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Making Torrents with mktorrent


For those who may need to make a torrent file, you may choose to use the mktorrent command built into the boxes. You will need to SSH into your box. If you need assistance with this, please refer to the How do I connnect article.

Creating a Torrent

cd ~/directory/with/torrent/prepped/
mktorrent -v -p -l <piece-size> -a <anounce-url> -o ~/filename.torrent folder_or_file_name

-v is for verbose, -p is for private, -a specifies an announce url, -o specifies output file, last argument is the file/folder name that you'd like to make a torrent from.

For instance, lets say you made a remux of Some.Movie.2016.1080p.DTS-MA.5.1.AVC-P2P.mkv inside the folder located at ~/torrents/Some.Movie.2016.1080p.DTS-MA.5.1.AVC-P2P/, and you wanted your torrent file to include the folder, your command would look like:

cd ~/torrents/
mktorrent -v -p -l 24 -a https://some.tracker/announce/somerandomhashgoeshere -o ~/Some.Content.2016.1080p.DTS-MA.5.1.AVC-P2P.torrent Some.Content.2016.1080p.DTS-MA.5.1.AVC-P2P

Piece Sizes

219 = 524 288 = 512 KiB for filesizes between 512 MiB - 1024 MiB

220 = 1 048 576 = 1024 KiB for filesizes between 1 GiB - 2 GiB

221 = 2 097 152 = 2048 KiB for filesizes between 2 GiB - 4 GiB

222 = 4 194 304 = 4096 KiB for filesizes between 4 GiB - 8 GiB

223 = 8 388 608 = 8192 KiB for filesizes between 8 GiB - 16 GiB

224 = 16 777 216 = 16384 KiB for filesizes between 16 GiB - ??? GiB This is the maximum.

Loading your Torrent

Assuming that you put your torrent in the regular download directory, youy should be able to simply load it into your favourite torrent client and you'll be off to the races.


If you're having issues with mktorrent, please consider joining our Discord or putting in a support ticket for more assistance. Alternatively, maybe try using rutorrent for generating your torrent files.