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WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography

Initial Setup

First you must connect to your slot via ssh. If you need help connecting to the server, please read the help article here.

Installing wireguard is easy. Simply issue the following command:

box install wireguard

This command will configure wireguard for your user. When install finished, the installer will output the configuration for your user. This is an example configuration:

Address =
PrivateKey = {averysecretkey}
ListenPort = 21841

PublicKey = {apublickey}
Endpoint = {shared/dedicated IP}:{port}
AllowedIPs =

# This is for if you're behind a NAT and
# want the connection to be kept alive.
#PersistentKeepalive = 25

How to Access

Client Install

In order to use the Wireguard tunnel, you'll need to install the client on your local computer or mobile phone. In order to get started, please check the Wireguard site for help on installing Wireguard on the operating system of your choice.


If you prefer, and alternate client called TunSafe exists and is already a bit more mature than the official Wireguard client for Windows. While the client itself is open-source and developed by a community member with prior credibility, it bears mentioning that using this client completely, 100% at your own risk as it is not developed or maintained by the Wireguard team. You have been warned.

Client Setup

Wireguard is available on many platforms. Setting it up for use with your HostingByDesign configuration should be fairly straight-forward, but in case you need a littl help getting your client setup, here are some instructions for popular operating systems.

Linux / OS X


  1. Simply copy-paste the configuration file outputted at the end of the server setup into a file in /etc/wireguard.
sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
sudo chmod 600 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
sudo wg-quick up wg0
  1. Wireguard should now be up and tunnelling all you traffic through HostingByDesign.

  2. Check your IP Address. It should now reflect your shared or dedicated IP for your slot.

  3. On Linux systems, you can configure a systemd service to automatically run and enable this configuration on each boot:

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0




  1. Copy-paste the contents of the client configuration outputted at the end of configuration into a file onto your local desktop,eg: HostingByDesign.conf.d

  2. Open TunSafe, click and drag the configuration file you just created to the TunSafe window. TunSafe will automatically import the client configuration and connect. Easy!

  3. Check your IP Address. It should now reflect your shared or dedicated IP for your slot. :::


:::panel Configuration is easiest if you use utilize the QR Encode function.

  1. Connect to your server from a computer and issue the commands:
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < ~/.wireguard/$u.conf
  1. In your client on your phone, add a new tunnel and chose the QR Code option. Scan the QR code which was generated in your terminal.
  2. Enable the tunnel by ticking the switch.
  3. Check your IP Address. :::


:::panel Configuration is easiest if you use utilize the QR Encode function.

  1. Connect to your server from a computer and issue the commands:
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < ~/.wireguard/$u.conf
  1. In your client on your phone, add a new tunnel and chose the QR Code option. Scan the QR code which was generated in your terminal.
  2. Enable the tunnel by ticking the switch.
  3. Check your IP Address. :::

Service Management

Like all box configured applications, you can manage Wireguard via SSH with box with start, stop, restart, enable and disable commands.

box start wireguard